Monday, March 6, 2017

Blog #1 January Man

     The chapter "January Man" in the book Black Swan Green by David Mitchell starts off with a rule by the father "Do not set foot in my office" (pg 1. Line 1.) This brings us right into the story and gives us some information on the father, but Jason ignores the rule as someone is calling the phone in his fathers room. Once Jason pics up the phone he hears breathing, a baby crying, and Sesame Street, then the phone hangs up leaving a sign of suspense. this can bring up some thoughts on how the father may be cheating on Jason's mother, as his father confronts him about the call the mother seemed helpless and it looked like the parents new of this affair but refuse to tell the kids of the family, we also catch a glimpse of Jason's we find out the he has a hidden passion for poetry, but put into a secret identity so he wont be made fun of by the people of his school. The men of Jasons school are very strict as well to the point were if they don't call each other by a certain name in their school hierarchy they would get beaten up.

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