Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Is Jason Taylor a Hero?

Jason Taylor can be considered a hero in the book "Black Swan Green" for many reasons and interactions he has been apart of. A hero is a selfless, caring, and helpful person who tries to help people when they want help, not when they need it. Throughout the book Jason has shown countless ways of his heroism, such as the point where he breaks neil's calculater just to get the deans attention to "grass" oh him and the other bullies helping all the kids who can't fend for themselves. Another example of Jason's heroism is when he tried helping the gypsies, Jason was on of the only people who would hear them out and try to understand them as he did this he would also fend for them saying they arent as bad as people say they are.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Blog #11 Maggot

Invthe book "Black Swan Green" by David Mitchell he has named one of the chapters "Maggot" like the alternate persona of the main character know as Jason Taylor. The reasoning of the word maggot is like the way they use maggot in the army to present you as a lesser person to show you that you're just a mere parasite in the world of giants. These events has made Jason feel succesfully small, uncapable of anything almost helpless in the fact that he cant even save or protect him self from the things that are happening. The more Jason had tried to fit in in the last chapters had hurt him much more that help him, before he wasnt a nobody he he a decent spot where people saw him as average to where he is now, the losers of his school are even making fun of him. These actions have been crumbeling his selfesteme to the point of you being able to ask if it even there anymore. Yet he still learns from these mistakes and comes back from it hopping to achieve the final goal of leaving the small village and never coming back for as long as he could leave for.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blog#10 souvenirs

In the chapter Souvenirs Jason and his father go on a business trip, during the trip his father had promised him that they would go to the movies together and have sometime to spend with each other. His father had gotten stuck in a meeting with his boss so he sent someone to go out with Jason and do the things they were planning to do, because of this Jason has seen his fathers coworker as a father figure maker that his own dad.  The father figures in Black Swan Green have all been proseved as a bad form of influences, such as dean Moran's dad who is seen as an alchoholic, but it seems that Jason's father is trying hard to spend some time with his son who he doesn't have the best relationship with. His father had came back to the hotel room late and had missed the movie and had promised Jason that at the break of dawn they will go out and fly his kite, but he has his doubts.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Blog #9 Solarium

In the chapter Solarium in Black Swan Green, Jason has meet Madame Crommelynck who speaks of his poetry. She has stated that Jason should be more open in the words of his poetry saying the truth behind the words is what people remember not how big or how fancy the words are especially if it has no meaning. Madame challenges Jason to become more personal to allow people to view his life and his struggles, but is still wanting to have a double life. He wants to be a poet as well as the other kids in his school which makes him almost ashamed of doing the one thing that allows his to be more open and free in fear of being teased as well as becoming the easy target that people can turn to. Jason feels that without Madame he will not learn to be a great poet, at the end of the chapter Jason finds out she has been sent to prison and that he wont be able to make it that he will be the same crappy poet.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Blog #8 Rocks

In the chapter Rocks in "Black Swan Green" we are brought closer to the parents of Jason Taylor. The father figures in the story are all shown as negative influences to the their family's. Jason's father who consistently needs to feel as the superior person in the family, the family has been a victim to this effect of the father figures continually. Jason's father has been setting rules for the family which then includes Helena. Helena wanted to purchase a rockery fop the backyard to their house, but Michael states that he is the money maker of the family and finds the rockery underlay useless and simply just does not buy it. The secrecy that the father had shown to the family in multiple occasions is one of the main reasons that relationship between the mother and father is in the middle of a pitfall, this pitfall is not only effecting the parents, but as well as effecting the children of the family. Jason and Julia have now gotten closer to each other due to their family problems.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Blog #7 Bridle Path

In the chapter Bridle Path we see the changes that has come to Jason, he has changed in maturity from his innocent self to his more curious and eager for experience.  Jason has been left alone in his house and for once his family trusts him to say giving Jason a key to the house. Once he realized he is home alone he does what ever he wants, going into every ones rooms because of his curiosity. Going further into the chapter Jason says he wants to go through the full path of the bridle path to gain a certain popularity that he longs for.  Going through the path he comes along Dawn Madden a girl Jason has feelings for and the part of the story where we seem him lose his innocents showing his sexual feelings towards her. Further into the story he comes across tom and debbie who are having sex, but Jason had stayed to watch for his own reasons to learn from. Now we see how Jason is changing and continues to change.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blog #6 Relatives

Mitchel portrays self-image and social acceptance between the characters of Jason and Hugo by showing how hard Jason tries around him, as well as doing anything he can to seem cool to Hugo. Jason feels that he does not fit in as well as everyone else and at the same time it is very challenging for him to fit in with the popular people in his school because of his stammer. When Hugo gets in trouble or does something wrong Jason lets it go or he will side with Hugo to seem cool to him. Because of Jason's desperation to fit in with others it has affected his choices greatly and makes him seem less innocent then he already is, Jason tries to hard to fit in and idolizes Hugo because he is his coolest cousin to him.